Cardio Home Workouts
Nina Jacques  

Supporting Mental Health: How To Get Motivated To Exercise When Depressed

When someone is in a depressed state, they can find it very hard to do any form of physical activity, let alone participate in a full exercise routine to get them moving. Depression is a mental illness that affects many people and can cause them to respond in a variety of ways which is important to remember.

Motivating themselves to exercise may seem like an impossible activity, but that doesn’t mean they should give up on themselves. Going at it bit by bit can help them on those days when they feel like the world is against them. Before they know it they’ll be making progress that they never thought was possible.

In this article, I will discuss ways that can motivate people to get up and exercise, even if it is slightly, so they can support their physical and mental health at their own pace without pushing themselves too hard.

Should You Force Yourself To Exercise?

Whilst people say that working out will help people feel happy and raise their endorphins, they should never force themselves to do any physical activity that has the potential to make them feel anxious. Pushing themselves too far will cause them to not get any enjoyment from it, which can result in adding to their depressed state and lowering their motivation.

Instead of doing an exercise routine on those days, they may want to think about going for gentle exercise instead, like walking or hiking, either by themselves or with someone. This will help them get fresh air and support their mental health without being too strenuous. They won’t need to get on workout gear to do a hard-hitting workout, they can just wear their own clothes.

What Can Exercise Do For Your Body?

The benefits of staying active and engaging in regular physical activity are numerous according to health professionals. And each type of exercise helps you reap benefits, whether it be yoga at a studio or weightlifting in a Roanoke health club (or one closer to you). Working out and engaging in physical activity furthers the development of different systems in the body by improving brain health, lowering the risk of disease, managing weight, and strengthening muscles and bones.

It can be hard for anyone to stay motivated to exercise, but when someone is feeling depressed, that motivation is practically non-existent. People with depression may have low self-esteem too, but with regular exercise, self-esteem can grow as people feel better about themselves and their bodies. They don’t just see a change physically but also mentally.

Why Do People Find It Hard To Exercise When Depressed?

People who feel depressed can find it extremely taxing to get up and workout, their bodies can feel incredibly heavy, their mind becomes foggy, and they may be exhausted due to lack of sleep or oversleeping, this can make it harder to feel motivated to even go for a simple walk.

They are not being lazy, their mind is making them feel low and depressed which has a knock-on effect on their body, so the last thing on their mind is to go out and get on a treadmill or find the energy to do a workout routine.

What To Do To Feel That Motivation Again

Getting a depressed person to exercise may seem like an uphill battle, but there are ways that can have them feel okay to get up and go when times get tough. Down below are a few ways that may be favourable to those who need that little extra push to help lift their mood.

Find A Workout Buddy

Pairing up with someone can provide essential motivation when depression is on the horizon. They can make sure that person does their daily workout and keep them to a workout schedule.

Finding someone with a good track record is beneficial as they will know what to say and do to motivate someone. Friends or family should be the first ones to look at as they will be close to the person and will know more about what they are dealing with.

Not only will they be a good workout buddy, but they will also help them stay motivated on days when the depression is high.

Stick To A Workout Schedule

A schedule will help with setting aside specific days for them to do their workout routine. If they have a good workout plan, it can help motivate them to stick to it. Schedules keep people on track and can make them feel good when they get to achieve a goal they set for themselves.

For example, if someone finds it hard to wake up first thing in the morning, then scheduling a workout as soon as they wake up can make them feel stressed, they may think that it will motivate them when planning it the night before, but they will likely wake up not in the exercising mood.

It would be best to focus workouts at times when they know they are free as well as when they have the necessary energy to get them through the routine. They could get a rise in energy after lunch, which can have them work harder and have fun without feeling that mid-afternoon lag that people can get.

Add In Entertainment

Who says people need to do their workout routine in silence? Music or a podcast can be incredibly motivational for people on the move. However, if they are working out at their home on a treadmill or exercise bike, they may want to watch Netflix as they do so.

Distractions with entertainment can be a positive when it comes to someone that has depression, even if it is just for a short period of time. It stops people from focusing on what they are doing and instead makes them listen/watch something more entertaining, so before they know it, they have completed their workout routine in no time.

Create Fitness Goals

A single fitness goal is fine to start with, but over time, someone may want to add to those goals and build on what they have so they can aim higher. One of their goals may be to lose the weight they put on that year.

People who feel depressed can be upset about their bodies and how they look, because of this, they may say that they want to lose weight within the year through a healthy diet and a targeted exercise routine.

Finding the best exercises and the right eating plan may be difficult to achieve by themselves, so they might turn to a dietitian/nutritionist, as well as a personal trainer to help them get motivated and ready to go at it with all they’ve got. In case individuals need a personal trainer, a simple search using phrases similar to “Workout Instructor Near Me” can provide them with a list of qualified professionals in their vicinity. This search can yield valuable information such as trainers’ credentials, client reviews, and specialization areas that allow them to choose the perfect instructor.

Know When It’s Time To Relax

With depression, people can believe that they don’t deserve to look after themselves, that they shouldn’t have nice things and they may find it hard to treat themselves. This simply isn’t true. No matter what someone is mentally suffering from, they deserve to feel good about themselves.

Working out all the time can have some negative qualities too, especially if that person is afraid to stop. Taking a step back and being gentle with themselves is an important point to take into consideration.

Keep in mind that embracing moments of rest and relaxation is not a setback; it is a necessary part of life. Engaging in activities that bring joy and fulfillment, such as painting, playing music, or immersing oneself in nature, can be a source of much-needed respite.

Additionally, some individuals may find relaxation through responsible cannabis consumption. This relaxation can be attributed to the potential calming effects of certain compounds in cannabis, such as cannabidiol. There are online stores selling various cannabis products like moonrocks canada (or elsewhere) making it easy for individuals to take advantage of the calming effects of cannabis. However, it’s crucial to emphasize that it should be consumed in a responsible manner that entails understanding the legal regulations and potential health implications. It is also advised to consult a healthcare professional before integrating cannabis into one’s relaxation routine is advised to ensure a well-informed and safe experience.

Individuals may look into several products, including rosin. Rosin’s high potency, with elevated levels of cannabinoids like THC and CBD, can aid in reducing anxiety and stress. Its extraction process preserves the original terpenes, offering a rich and delightful flavor profile. That said, it would be recommended you freeze your rosin for long-term storage — this can help maintain its potency and ensure that it remains in excellent condition.

Equally important is surrounding oneself with positive and supportive individuals. A strong social network can provide comfort and encouragement, empowering individuals to lead more fulfilling lives. They can often act as a safety net during challenging times and promote happiness and a sense of connectedness in an increasingly interconnected world.

Seek Professional Help When Needed

We all need help from time to time, it doesn’t make someone weak to open themselves up and discuss why they feel the way they do. They may need therapy to help get their feelings out there and focus on why they feel the way they do. Most people will feel afraid to ask for help as they don’t know what will happen when they do.

It’s about taking that chance and achieving set goals put forward either by a therapist or personally. People need to do what feels good to them. Combining therapy with exercise can be a winning combination and cause them to re-evaluate their life and think about what steps they need to take.

Using Social Media

This one may seem controversial, especially as in some corners of the media world there are promotions of crash dieting and glorifying mental illness. However, there are websites and social media pages that promote happy and healthy forms of exercise that can benefit many.

Finding these motivational pages and profiles can set someone on a good path to follow and provide them with easy-to-do exercises as well as healthy eating recipes. These sites can also provide information on the best exercise routine for specific body types. There is something out there for everyone.


Finding motivation when depression is taking over can be incredibly hard for someone to deal with. Their life can be turned around and their fitness levels as well as their health in general can take a dive.

This is why it is so crucial for people to be shown how they can get that motivation back and the importance of having fun with it as well as knowing when it’s the best time to rest.

Depression is cruel and it can be incredibly powerful, but that doesn’t mean it will win. It takes one step at a time, but fighting through the bad times and getting back up each day shows depression that it won’t keep a person down for long.

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