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Yoga For Beginners: How To Start A Yoga Practice

A lot of people are trying to incorporate more exercise into their daily life, or looking for a new way to de-stress. Yoga is a great way to not only exercise but also get in touch with your body and focus on breathing. Though it might seem difficult at first, this article has tips on how you can learn the basics of a yoga practice!

Start With Acceptance

The first step to incorporating yoga into your life is to start with acceptance. Acceptance of yourself, your body, and your current level of fitness. You don’t have to be perfect at first, and you don’t have to do everything perfectly. It’s okay if you make mistakes – as long as you learn from them.

Release Expectations

If you’re new to yoga, it’s important to let go of any expectations you have about what your practice will be like. It’s also important to be gentle with yourself and not expect to be able to do everything perfectly.

Just do what you can and enjoy the process of learning. Over time, you’ll gradually become more flexible and strong.

Understand the Core of Yoga

If you’re starting a yoga practice, it’s important to understand the core of yoga. Yoga is about connecting with your body, mind, and breath. It’s about finding balance and harmony in your life. When you practice yoga, you’ll learn how to control your breath, focus your mind, and move your body with grace and ease. The goal of yoga is to create a state of complete physical, mental, and emotional well-being. If you’re new to yoga, start with a beginner’s class to learn the basics.

Once you’ve mastered the basics, you can try more challenging classes. There are many different types of yoga, so find a style that suits you. With regular practice, you’ll see your body and life transformed in beautiful ways.

Notice Your Breathing

When you are practicing yoga, it is important to be aware of your breathing. To do this, you will need to learn how to focus on your breath. Start by taking a few deep breaths in and out through your nose. Once you have completed these breaths, count slowly to five as you exhale. You should focus on the feeling of your breath leaving your body. When you reach five, start again from the beginning. Inhale and exhale slowly and deeply, feeling your stomach rise and fall with each breath. Pay attention to the sensations in your body and the way your breath feels as it moves through you. Continue practicing this way until you feel comfortable with it. When you are practicing, it is important to keep a focus on your breath and not get lost in the pose. If you find that you are losing focus, try counting aloud or focusing on your breath while watching a movie or TV show instead.

Get Comfortable in Stillness

Before beginning any yoga practice, it is important to get comfortable in stillness. This means finding a comfortable place to sit or lie down, and simply focusing on your breath.

Once you have found a comfortable position, close your eyes and begin to breathe deeply and slowly. Inhale through your nose, and exhale through your mouth. Focus your attention on your breath, and try to still your thoughts.

If your thoughts begin to wander, simply return your focus to your breath. After a few minutes of simply focusing on your breath, you can begin your yoga practice.

Learn Basic Yoga Poses

If you’re new to yoga, or just want to start a practice that’s gentle and easy on your body, you’ll want to start with the basics. Here are seven beginner poses to help you get started:

Cobra Pose

Start in the Downward Dog position, then fold your legs into the back of your head. Keep your arms parallel to each other and press down through your palms and heels. Draw your chin towards your chest, and breathe deeply.

Child’s Pose

Sit on the ground with both feet flat on the floor next to each other, shoulder-width apart. Bend forwards from the hips until you touch your toes, and hold on to your hands for balance. Keep your spine straight and your eyes closed.

Cat-Cow Pose

Start in the Downward Dog position, then press both palms onto the floor next to each other. Bend your knees so they are right next to your chest, then slowly lift them toward the sky while keeping your spine straight. Hold on to a handrail or support if needed.

Eagle Pose

From the Cat-Cow pose, place both hands on top of one another in front of you so that you’re balancing on one foot only.

Enroll in Beginner Classes

Here are some tips on how to start your yoga journey:

Find a Yoga Teacher

First and foremost, you may need to find an experienced yoga teacher, who you can be comfortable with. She/he should be someone with years of experience teaching young people as well as having taken a Yoga Teacher First Aid Course. The latter is particularly important in order to ascertain that the teacher has the required knowledge and skills to respond quickly and effectively in the event of an injury or emergency.

Start With a Short Course

If you’re just starting, consider taking a short course instead of trying to tackle a full-length class. Short courses are often less challenging. They can help you get comfortable with the poses and breathing techniques before moving on to longer classes.

Check Local Class Schedules

Local class schedules can help find classes that fit your schedule. You can also use online calendars like YogaVibes to find classes near you.

Be Patient and Persistent

Don’t get discouraged if you don’t find the perfect beginner class right away. You may need to try several different classes before finding one that’s perfect for you. And don’t be afraid to ask other students for recommendations – they likely have tried many different classes themselves!

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